Right here you have a picture of the people who will be playing the show TONIGHT THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 25th AT JOHNNY BRENDA'S TAVERN AND EATERY ON FRANKFORD AND GIRARD, PHILADELPHIA PA!
From left to awesome: Sir Kyle Lloyd, Richard Flom, Gretchen Lohse, Shai Son of Eli, and William Baggott.
You'll notice Gianmarco's not in the picture which is too bad because he's off on a business trip. He will be sorely missed at this show but don't worry because we can all go see him on October 17th when he plays at JBs. Remind me to remind you about that.
Anyway, also playing tonight will be Drink Up Buttercup and Throw Me The Statue. Please feel free to fill the comments with suggestions for alternative names for our band that better match the bill, such as Get Thee To A Nunnery! or Buy Me A Poodle! or Eat This Soup, Roger! or something like that.
But both bands are really great and it'll be a superfun night or my name's not Indiana Jones!
Buy tickets here (great name for a band!) : http://www.johnnybrendas.com/calendar-detail-ajax.php?ev_id=576&height=500&width=550
I'll try and be there, with bells on, suckas!
Classic "Will holding pliers so people will know that he's a man" pose. Shai could learn a thing or two from Woolly Baggums.
I don't know, Jeff. That's a pretty dainty grip he's got on those pliers.
also note the beer that Shai is holding. That's pretty manly.
Manly? More like Peter Lorre in "The Maltese Falcon"...
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