Monday, October 20, 2008

National Eye's Extracurricular Activities: The Lohse Session 10/18

It's never a dull moment for us over at National Eye Studios International, which is the place where we record all our music and also eat breakfast and read romance novels.

For instance, just this past weekend we had a rollicking recording session for a Gretchen Lohse song called "Ursa Ultra," one of many wonderful numbers our intrepid violinist has cooked up.

For this tune, a whole bunch of people gathered together including NE's Will and Rick (banjo & guitar respectively), NE/Cap Yrs drummer Kyle Lloyd (drums, respectfully), Lisa McHenry-Bendel from Caves of Mercury (bass, expectantly), and Dave Hartley and Adam Granduciel from War on Drugs (phantom guitar and piano, repentantly).

Below are some fun pictures that got taken by Lisa & GL. We'll be recording lots more of Gretchen, National Eye, and whoever else feels like stopping by, so expect more images of microphones and blurry people-shapes in the weeks and months to come.